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Please NOTE that the links below to the HP site do not appear to be working (as of 11-17-98). Please feel free to download the code directly from this site as explained below, but be aware that the code is covered under a license as explained below.

If anyone has a copy of the license or a valid URL to it, please contact me, and I'll update this page.

The HP UDF Toolkit was provided by HP to assist developers interested in supporting reading and/or writing the UDF format on WORM or rewritable optical media, but it will also work on hard disks or floppies. It is the format used on DVD media, and increasingly on CD-RW. Please note that it is covered by a reasonably non-restrictive license.

The HP toolkit was released in 1996, and conforms to the OSTA UDF 1.02 specification. See the OSTA Web Site for more information, or even a PDF file of the spec.

It comes in the form of three different packages, which are detailed at the HP site.

Downloading the Toolkit

Because I had some difficulty downloading them (HP does not provide an ftp link - only http), I gzipped them and am providing them here. If you have a high-speed web link, you may want to get them directly from the HP site.

hpudf2.tar.gz and hpudf2.doc.gz - C++ Online File System toolkit for UDF. Also, a slightly-modified (some small bugs have been fixed) version: hpudf2-981119.tar.gz

hpudf1.tar.gz and hpudf1.doc.gz - C++ Archiving toolkit for UDF

hpudf0.tar.gz - C Structure kit for UDF.


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